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  • Writer's pictureAnna Rathbun, NC

Building, Balancing, Cleansing Diets

The seasons provide a natural framework to adjust our food to support energy. Winter is perfect for building and summer is naturally the cleansing season with plentiful fresh vegetables.

Julie came to see me during a 10-day cleanse she had found in a magazine - she was tired, depressed, developed a rash and craved ice cream. Tom did the same cleanse and felt a surge of energy on day three that intensified over the next week. Why doesn't that cleanse work for everyone? Does this sound familiar? Popular nutrition can make you feel worse and cause negative thoughts about nutrition and health? For Julie, a spring cleanse would consist of more food with tailored supplements to create that surge of energy. What if your spring cleanse included:

A healthy body is cleansing all the time. Exercise, a good night's sleep, a good bowel movement and  balanced meals all help in a natural process of removing things from our bodies. Some toxins are produced in our own cells as a normal byproduct, others are produced by the gut microbiome and others come from our environment like chemicals mold or metals.

Wishing you a happy and healthy summer season.




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